Change Management

Understanding the company - designing change processes.

“We’ve been working closely with managerberater for many years on the selection and targeted development of our sales managers. We’re impressed not just by how managerberater applies its methods, but above all by the diagnostic “sharpness” as well as the excellent interpersonal skills in the entire diagnostic process.”

Andreas Grenz
Head of HR, Business Partner, Property Sales Operations and Speciality, HDI AG

Why provide Support for Change?

Every company has its own history, its culture, its very own identity. In addition, the company’s development is determined by a number of conditions, some of which are sector-specific and some of which are global. These include, in particular, the potential of rapidly developing information and communication technology, the growing responsibility of companies for social and environmental sustainability, demographic changes and the associated increasing shortage of skilled workers.

The speed at which these conditions change is a challenge for companies. It demands constant attention to the correctness of strategic objectives and their adaptation at the operational level.

In change management, we support companies in constantly realigning themselves with the developing framework conditions and implementing the necessary changes in people, IT & technology, products and processes in a sustainable and successful manner.

Take a Look in the "Toolbox"

All change projects start with an analysis: Together with you, we assess your company’s current situation and compare the existing and future orientation. This stocktaking is a prerequisite for defining project objectives and strengthens our focus on the “depth of intervention”.

The type and scope of the intervention(s) will vary with the degree of the given dependencies (see illustration) and the time span for their implementation. Specific examples are the reorganisation of a company or certain business units, the implementation of new IT (or AI), changing roles or the creation of new teams or departmental structures.

Regardless of the specific design of the change project, we support you on three levels: concept, communication and realisation.

The alignment of your project to our quality requirements – acceptance, economy, efficiency and sustainability – guarantees that our customers are and remain successful through our support.

Are you interested in receiving support for your change project? Then please contact us!


With us, companies become more successful

Our customers, who’ve trusted us for years, appreciate our clear focus on tailor-made solutions. They also value the personal touch we offer them.

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