Collaboration Partners

“Competence, experience and passion - you can expect that not just from us, but also from our collaboration partners.”
Michael Basmann – Managing Partner, managerberater

An Expert Network

For certain projects which require specific expertise, we work with long-term collaboration partners. All our partners are among the best in their field and share our passion for sustainable solutions in HR management.

SKOPOS VIEW – the subsidiary of the SKOPOS Group of companies is a specialist in HR research, and has a comprehensive and well-founded repertoire of consulting and research methods in the area of employee surveys, internal customer satisfaction analyses, mood barometers and 360-degree feedback.

VIER rethinks customer dialogue and communication. With VIER Emotion Analytics, VIER combines AI and psychology to make psychological information available through the analysis of communication. With Emotion Analytics, VIER managers, employees and even entire departments have the opportunity to objectively measure, better understand and change behaviour and communicative impact.

With us, companies become more successful

Our customers, who’ve trusted us for years, appreciate our clear focus on tailor-made solutions. They also value the personal touch we offer them.

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